President of Cathedral High School, Dan Carmody, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation, and gala co-chairs Noel Dixon ’02 and Robert O’Neill are proud to announce Dottie and John Remondi ’54 and Genevieve […]

President of Cathedral High School, Dan Carmody, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation, and gala co-chairs Noel Dixon ’02 and Robert O’Neill are proud to announce Dottie and John Remondi ’54 and Genevieve and James D.’66 (posthumously) Murphy will be the first ever recipients of Cathedral’s most prestigious medal at the Adopt-A-Student Foundation Gala on Thursday, October 27, 2022 at the Seaport Hotel in Boston. 

Vigor in Arduis, Latin for “Strength in the Face of Adversity” is the highest honor ever bestowed upon an individual by Cathedral High School. The medal was named in honor of the school founder, Cardinal William O’Connell who chose the episcopal motto for his crest. 

The newly minted Vigor in Arduis medal, recognizes individuals within our community who have inspired us with their generosity of spirit, volunteerism, leadership, philanthropy, humility and service, and whose work has profoundly influenced the progress of Cathedral High School for the last 100 years. 

“The commitment to the life changing mission of Cathedral High School from both John and Dottie, and Genevieve and her late husband JD, is unprecedented. The compassion they have shown, the generosity they have demonstrated, and their humble commitment to bring a Cathedral education to students who deserve and need it most has been beyond inspiring. We are thrilled that the Vigor In Arduis medal has been created to recognize the pillars that the Cathedral community stands on, and it is so fitting that the Remondis and Murphys are our very first recipients. We cannot thank them enough for the eternal blessings they have brought to our school, and to our Cathedral family.” said Cathedral President, Dan Carmody.

The dedication and commitment of our generous philanthropic community to providing a transformational private education to young Cathedral scholars is stronger than ever. This year, as our loyal supporters come together at our gala for the first time in over two years, we are excited to share both our new medal, and an exciting announcement that will transform the impact of the Adopt-A-Student Foundation for Cathedral scholars over the next century!

For more information on tickets or AASF sponsorship opportunities or if you would like to make an investment for the benefit of Cathedral High School scholars, please contact Dan Carmody at Your sponsorship or generous donation will be earmarked solely for student tuition and will enable life changing opportunities and financial assistance to 100% of our inner-city scholars.