Faculty and Staff Directory

Joe Anderson
Administrative Assistant, School Counseling and Admissions
Loran Beamish
World Language Department Lead
Derrick Beasley
Athletic Director
Mark Bedrosian
Vice Principal For Academics
Stephen Belyea
Art Department Lead
sbelyea@chs.boston 617-542-2325 x273
Nancy Caruso
Director of Advancement
ncaruso@chs.boston 617-542-2325
Anthony Choueiri
Physical Education
Mary Croxen
Office Manager
mcroxen@chs.boston 617-542-2325 x100
Elizabeth "Lilly" Higgins
Nicole Hudson
School Nurse
Lindsey Hughes
Director of Campus Ministry
Rory Jasper
Anna Judy
Science Department Lead
Margaret Kiwanuka
Social Worker
Michael Lancaster
School Counselor
Nancy Lane, CSJA
Special Initiatives
Clinton Lassiter
Vice Principal
Christopher Martin
English Department Lead
Wanja Ochwada
Annual Fund and Alumni Engagement Manager
Ugochukwu Ojimba
Dean of Students
Rev. Msgr. O'Leary
Carla Ostine
Business Manager
Erica Paquette
Director of School Counseling
Mike Parham
Assistant Athletic Director and Engagement Coordinator
Jose Perez
Maryum Reed
Director of Admissions
Andrea Smith
Director of Marketing & Communications
Caitlin Sullivan
Middle School Coordinator, English
Jillian Vaccaro
jvaccaro@chs.boston 617-542-2325 x206