CHS alumna, Skania Florestal ‘04 from Atlanta recently visited campus to learn about CHS today, meet current students, and learn about our plans for the upcoming CNCF campaign!  Skania talked with seniors during their senior seminar about her career and trajectory from when she graduated from CHS in ‘04. ...

Cathedral’s Advancement Department had a terrific time handing out Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever campaign t-shirts to our amazing students! Students, faculty and staff are invited to wear our tee-shirts proudly, with their uniform pants, every Friday during the school year! The shirts boast the new Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever...

Each month CHS recognizes greatness amongst our student body. Our scholars are hard working and active members of the Panther community. It is with great pride that we recognize the following students, nominated by faculty and staff of Cathedral who: exhibit exceptional commitment in the classroom environment and are...

Left to Right – Dayllen Freire-Depina ’25, Saleena Johnson, Dynasia Evans-Goode ’25,  Nyah Nicholas Bodden ’25, Trestal Dixon ’25,  Through a collaboration with Boston Medical Center, CHS sophomores participated in a day of service by volunteering their time and skills to the the Family Medicine, Pediatric and Food Pantry...

(Boston – October 28, 2022) – Boston’s Cathedral High School (CHS), is proud to announce the Adopt-A-Student Foundation (AASF) is the recipient of an incredibly generous and historically monumental matching gift of $30 million  made in support of Cathedral’s transformational and enduring mission. The extraordinary $30 million  gift has...

President of Cathedral High School, Dan Carmody, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation, and gala co-chairs Noel Dixon ’02 and Robert O’Neill are proud to announce Dottie and John Remondi ’54 and Genevieve and James D.’66 (posthumously) Murphy will be the first ever recipients of Cathedral’s most prestigious medal at the Adopt-A-Student Foundation...

COLLEGE VISITS Throughout this fall semester, representatives from various colleges/universities will be visiting Cathedral. This is a great opportunity for seniors to gather information and ask questions that will aid them in making their post-graduate decisions. This fall, students have met with Salem State, Boston University and St. Anselm to...

As our summer 2022 programing draws to a close and our scholars prepare for the new school year ahead, we would like to note the success of this year’s summer courses.    “Thanks to Mr. Pisaturo, Mr. Carney, Mr. Salm, and Mr. Martin, the classes were well run, and were...

Cathedral’s School Counseling Department is hosting a College Application Summer Workshop; Monday August 22nd-Thursday August 25th. 10am-1:30pm   This workshop will allow incoming seniors to sign up and complete the Common Application. The Common Application houses over 900 applications from colleges/universities and allows students to fill out their information once, instead of...

National Honor Society Stoles at Cathedral

The CHS National Honor Society will collect and assemble special care packages for the homeless men and women at the Pine Street Inn. All students, faculty, staff and community members are welcome to make donations. NHS Students are looking for assistance in collecting the following toiletry items: Band aids (multi-color)...